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icon_widget_image Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm; Satuday: 10ap to 2pm icon_widget_image 7300-7398 Colonial Rd, Brooklyn, NY 11209, USA icon_widget_image + (123) 1234-567-8900 + (123) 1234-567-8901 icon_widget_image wilmer@qodeinteractive.com wilmer2@qodeinteractive.com
Experts in


30+ years of experience

Our portfolio include acquisitions valued at half of a billion dollars consisting of multifamily, industrial, offices, retail and preconstruction.

Innovative designs, exceptional communities


Visualize - Aspire - Execute

Our experienced team of architects, designers, and builders are committed to creating homes that are both beautiful and functional, with a focus on energy efficiency, sustainable materials, and smart technology.

Visualize Visualize
Transforming neighborhoods, improving lifestyles

value add

Proven Track Record

Our investment strategy is centered around creating value for our investors by identifying undervalued properties and executing on a well-defined plan for renovation and repositioning

vision to reality vision to reality